A pre-1885 French heirloom, French Breakfast radish is oblong and two to four inches in length. French Breakfast radish is known for its vibrant coloring which graduates from a vivid fuchsia-red to bright white at the tip. Topped with edible, leafy greens, French Breakfast radishes are very crisp and offer a mildly spicy flavor. Grilling or oven roasting will bring out the subtly sweet and nutty flavor of the French Breakfast radish.
French Breakfast Radish Seeds
Sow outside 4 to 6 weeks before your average last frost date, and when soil temperature is above 40°F, ideally 65°–85°F. Successive Sowings: Every 1 to 2 weeks until late spring. Sow again in late summer until 4 weeks before your average first fall frost date.
Plant seeds 1/2" deep, 1" apart, in rows 12" apart. Seeds emerge in 5-10 days. When 1" tall, thin to 2" apart. They will mature in around 28 days. Harvest when radish is no larger than 4" long and under 1" wide in diameter. If allowed to grow bigger, 'French Breakfast' may become pithy and hot.