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Large firm fruits weigh 11 to 12 oz. each and have a deep oblate-shape. Plumpness, deliciousness and juiciness makes this the perfect choice for fresh salads, in soups or on those tasty BLT's. An early-main season variety bred to perform well in hot, humid climates. Highly resistant to Gray Leaf Spot. Heavy yielder. Determinate.


5 seeds per packet

Dixie Red Tomato Seeds: 5 Seeds

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  • Start seeds indoors 5 to 6 weeks before the last frost date. Plant outdoors when danger of frost is past and night temperatures consistently remain above 55 degrees Fahrenheit. If an unexpected late frost is forecasted, protect young plants with plastic sheeting or other cover, or simply bring the container indoors. Determinates can be spaced 18-24 inches apart. Tomatoes can be buried up to the top 2 sets of leaves.