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Sage plants are warm perennials native to the Meditteranean. Broad Leaved Sage is known for its medicinal and culinary benefits. Minty and frost-tolerant, sage develops as a versatile evergreen subshrub with semi-woody stems and violet-indigo flowers during its second year. Broad Leaved Sage has an earthy flavor with mild pepper—making this culinary herb ideal to pair with savory dishes.


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    The best place for planting sage is in full sun. Your sage plant should be put in a well-draining soil, as sage does not like its roots to remain wet. Sage comes from hot, dry climate and will grow best in conditions like this.


    For fresh sage, simply harvest leaves as needed for that day. Use a good, sharp pair of scissors and snip off only the youngest, tenderest leaves from the plant. For dried sage, harvest bunches of leaves about two or three times per season to keep it in check. It is best to gather the leaves early in the morning right after dew has evaporated, as this is the time when the flavor is at its peak. Cut the leaves, being sure to leave about an inch of stem. Bunch together and tie with a string. Hang the sage bundle upside down in a dark, warm, dry and airy place. When the leaves turn brown and are crumbly to the touch, they are dry. Store the dried sage whole in airtight jars.

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